Change login screen wallpaper on Pop!_OS 20.04 & 20.10

Original Author

Download the script from here.

Once downloaded cd /focalgdm3 from your download location.

Make the script executable by

chmod +x focalgdm3

Run the script by issuing the following command

sudo ./focalgdm3 --set

Type “yes” on the initial promt.

Type “1” to set image.

Enter the path of your image file and press enter.

Once you see the message saying “SUCCESS”, Reboot the system.

3 thoughts on “Change login screen wallpaper on Pop!_OS 20.04 & 20.10

  1. Hi Hilton,

    Is this updated? I’m afraid it may break my OS if not, i’m not versed in shell scripts so I read it and understood what it does (mostly) but probably I won’t be able to fix something if it fails. I’m on 20.10 w/latest updates.

    Thanks in advance.

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